T&A’s network and its affiliates are deeply committed to steering societal change and fostering environmental sustainability. We are consistently working in ingenious ways with our partners and stakeholders including governments, suppliers, non-profit organizations, and civil society in building a more sustainable and inclusive society.

T&A has organized its environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy across 3 key pillars- Planet, People, and Performance and has set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time- Bound) goals against each of these aspects. The goals are closely aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)

T&A ESG Goals and Achievements

Environment- Planet

The environmental goal of T&A aims to focus on organizational focus and stewardship of natural environment, energy use, pollution control, recycling practices.

      1. Climate Change: The goal is to develop a net zero carbon emissions goal and implementation strategy by 2025, and as of 2023, this is on track. T&A understands the importance of achieving net zero carbon emissions and is committed to developing a net zero strategy.

      Additionally, T&A has an environmental management systems policy and, as of 2023, has been assessed and found to conform to the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

      2. Environment: The goal is to reduce intensity for properties in our environmental control boundary by 20% over 10 years (2% annually), and as of 2023, this goal is on track. T&A office premises are in a green building which has specially engineered design elements to lower energy consumption.

      Another goal is to implement recycling programs at 100% of assets within our environment control by 2025, and this is currently on track. T&A office premises are in a green building which has specially engineered design elements to reduce waste streams.

      Additionally, the goal is to reduce intensity for properties in our environmental control boundary by 20% over 10 years (2% annually), and this goal is on track. T&A office premises are in a green building which has specially engineered design elements to reduce water wastage and improve water quality.

Social- People

      1. Diversity, Equity, Safety & Inclusion: The goal is to achieve employee gender balance, and this has been achieved. More than 50% of the team strength at T&A are women and three of the senior women employees are part of higher management.

      Another goal is to ensure compliance with laws relating to equality, women empowerment, and maternity, and this has been achieved. T&A is fully compliant with the Equal Remuneration Act 1976 and Maternity Benefit Act 1961 and adheres to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013.

      Additionally, the goal is to provide occupational health and safety benefits, and this has been achieved. T&A Consulting has established a global Occupational Health & Safety management system (OHS) following the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. The OHS Management system is integrated with the ISO 9001/14001 certified Quality and Environmental management systems and applies to all T&A locations and operations including within India and overseas.

      2. Stakeholders’ Wellbeing: The goal of compliance with labour laws has been achieved, with full compliance with wages and compensation laws in India, including the Minimum Wages Act 1948, Payment of Wages Act 1936, and Payment of Bonus Act 1965.

      Benefits relating to social security were also achieved, with full compliance to laws pertaining to social security of workers and employees in India, such as the Employee Provident Fund Act 1952, Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, and Employees State Insurance Act 1948.

      Health insurance benefits were achieved, with T&A providing ‘Group Medical Insurance’ to all employees, including self, spouse, and two children, with a sum assured up to INR 500,000.

Governance- Performance

Transparency & Corporate Governance:The goal of compliance with taxation, company laws, and foreign exchange laws has been achieved, with T&A compliant with all relevant taxation laws enacted by the government of India and government of Haryana, including the Income Tax Act 1961, Goods and Service Taxes 2017, Companies Act 2013, and Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999.

Additionally, compliance with data privacy – GDPR requirements is on track. T&A is an ISO 27001 certified organization and adheres to GDPR requirements. We adhere to international standards and are committed to the importance of securing our client data. T&A has a data protection officer whose roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

Compliance with anti-bribery laws is also on track, with adherence to the UK Anti-Bribery Act, US FCPA, and EU Anti-Corruption Act as of 2023 end.