Sector: Healthcare
Service: Market Study & Partner Search
Target Market: India
Client Location: USA
Year of Project:


It’s estimated that India reported more than 2 million cancer incidences in 2022. However, the real incidence is expected to be 1.5 to 3 times higher. The 2020 WHO ranking on cancer burden, ranked India in third place after China and USA.

A US-based oncology focussed healthcare delivery company sought to understand the extent of the opportunity for their expertise in India and the best way to develop a market entry strategy.


The Market Study was divided into two phases. The first phase was focused on identifying the existing gaps in technology, care services, and the needs of the Indian healthcare ecosystem,. The second phase was focused on identifying potential partners and developing a longer-term strategic market entry plan.


T&A provided a detailed market intelligence study on the status-quo of the Indian Oncology value chain; identified more than 500 potential stakeholders viz. doctors, hospitals & clinics, service providers, aggregators, and R&D institutes, and proposed a 5-year strategic plan for market entry and growth in India. .

Client Outcome

Supported by T&A, the client undertook an intensive roadshow to meet a short-list of potential partners over a 7-day period involving senior executives from the US-based healthcare delivery organisation. They are presently finalising partnership agreements with three Oncology hospitals in India. Recognising that having a local presence is essential to further development relationships and the market, T&A has been appointed to act as the client’s official representative office in India.