Sector: Pharmaceuticals
Service: Market Intelligence Report
Target Market: India
Client Location: Australia
Year of Project:


India is the largest importer of Duboisia, a medicinal plant native to Australia, rich in Tropane Alkaloids such as Atropine and Hyoscine. It is mainly used to treat upset stomach, spasms, and sea sickness.


T&A was engaged to conduct a market study and opportunity analysis of Duboisia to help open up opportunities for individual growers to sell directly to the Indian market rather than through a long established monopoly . The study sought to identify key areas of application for Duboisia and its extract as well as key stakeholders and the applicable regulatory requirements.


T&A provided a detailed market study and a list of over 80 Indian stakeholders with a requirement for the Duboisia plant.

Client Outcome

The final report confirmed the dominance of a monopoly of resources and raw materials in the Australia/Indian value chain, but also outlined the extent of the opportunity for direct sales by Queensland’s Duboisia farmers.