Sector: Electronics
Service: Market Study & Partner Search
Target Market: India
Client Location: Switzerland
Year of Project:


A world leading Swiss company, in customized optical components and systems, sought to understand the Indian market and its requirement for diode lasers, fiber lasers, and micro laser modules for bio-photonics application in analytics and microscopy.


The primary objectives of the study were the identification of key application areas of two products; the identification of key stakeholders in the Indian value chain viz. distributor, Tier 1 supplier of components, photonics and optical component manufacturers, and the end-user for each of the application industries; the identification of regulatory requirements for exporting optical components to India, and lead generation and potential partner identification for their India market entry plan.


T&A provided a detailed market intelligence on potential target segments followed by an opportunity potential assessment across all application areas viz. demand outlook, growth expectation, import dependency, market competition, amongst others.

Client Outcome

T&A moderated a series of meetings between the company and the potential short-listed distributors for partnership. Two companies were selected by the Swiss company from the list of shortlisted high potential partners. The Swiss company appointed them as their India distribution partners.